The Decipherer (everything in the night)

di Valter Garatti

Traduzione di Tommaso Frattin

Illustrazioni di Carlotta Fadalti

Pagg. 90

Cm 15x21

ISBN 9788893781060


Remo’s story begins with a discover. Dreams are a force, a vital force, the most powerful force existing. When everyone in town, men, women, children, elders, lose their ability to dream, there is chaos. With the dreams also leaves the physical and mental health of each person. Fortunately for them Remo, with the trusty Roberto’s help, finds the cure to this sickness. The way to make people find their dreams again. It’s the story, the sharing, the act of villagers’ lost dreams. The catharsis completes itself with narration. The tale brings the reader in an abstract dimension, but at the same time near to feelings’ profound daily occurrence. Love, poetry but even the encounter with the other. Life on Earth and a trip to the moon. A path filled with symbols and cabal, of signs and combinations. A way to travel again and again, to find from time to time new points of view. In front of the reader there’s life, simultaneously simple and complicated. A life to be deciphered, like a dream.

Daniele Quarello


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